This hub strengthens our partnerships and collaborative functioning in support of community living and learning from one another.
Here is info on our first of many events in 2022 on MLK Weekend, January 15. As a community over 65 people came together to pack cold weather kits for neighbors in need. After a moving speech by Minneapolis City Council President, Andrea Jenkins, our team of 5 year olds to 95 year olds packed over 400 kits for immediate distribution at Simpson Housing Services in Minneapolis. Many thanks to Richfield Lutheran Church for being our host site for this collaborative event! Here is our morning in pictures.

Stay tuned for more details as initiatives are developed.

Trust, Inc is excited about new opportunities to partner together in the coming year to expand community with the community. We were a part of the Community Connections Conference in May at the Minneapolis Convention Center, where we shared our programs and initiative ideas with the community.
For more information, idea sharing or questions, please contact Executive Director, Mary Beth Weibel at 612.827.6159 or by email at: executivedirector@trustinc.org